Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thursday August 21, 2008 -- So I decided to compete in a Sprint Distance Triathlon...

Just a note, I will be competing in a sprint distance triathlon at the 2008 Jackson County Triathlon at Longview Lake near Lee's Summit, Missouri on Sunday, August 24th. Here's the race website: Jackson County Triathlon Sprint distance is .3 mile swim, 11.75 mile bike, and 3 mile run. My motivation is simple, I want to challenge myself to do something a little more difficult than everyday life. I decided to give it a shot sometime early this July, and have been training pretty hard since then. I have been running regularly since January, usually between 2-6 miles with some longer ones thrown in here and there... For anyone who is interested, I will post a blog after the race mostly to document my thoughts and feelings right after the race. This could be useful should I decide to compete again. I will be heading up Saturday afternoon to pick up my race packet, and will hit the road early, early Sunday morning. My goal is to complete the race in 1:18:30. That is one hour, eighteen minutes and thirty seconds. They are expecting between 350 and 400 participants. I would like to finish in the top 100. Wish me luck! And a big shout out to my Dad for putting me up for the night, going with me at 4 am, and acting as my corporate sponsor (he helped with my entry fee). Thanks Dad!

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