Saturday, December 27, 2008

Marathon Training Log - December 27th - Day 19 - 7.2 miles.

I just walked in the door after 7.2 miles. It is late in December and the weather is surprisingly not too bad. We actually had thunderstorms this morning and went from 60s yesterday to around 40 today. There is a light wind out of the northwest but it was more of a breeze than anything. I tried a new route today, and it was pretty good. I started to the west down Catalpa to Western. Then I went south to Willow then east to Carbon. Next it was south on Carbon to Southern and then east all the way to Sinnet. I turned north and then east down Carline Rd. Turned around at Golf Course Rd and headed back to Sinnet, north to Antelope. West on Antelope and turned North on Ozark. Ozark to Howard then around the little hook over to Northern. Northern east to Carbon and then south back to Catalpa. Catalpa east to Osage and Im home. Great. Dandy. Good route. So it stormed last night so the roads were a little wet and there was running water in the ditches. It kinda reminded me of spring. Physically, it was nice to not have my head covered. Also my body is getting stronger and more used to the longer distances. About the last mile or so my right ankle was a little painful, not bad just noticeable. I had no problem with my hip at all, not even from the beginning. Today I really felt like I had kicked that injury all together. I have been waiting to actually register for the marathon until I knew for sure that this injury was not going to hamper me from being able to train correctly. I think that I will sign up after the new year.

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