Saturday, February 14, 2009

Marathon Training Log - February 14th - Day 47 - 12 miles

Happy Valentine's Day! What a beautiful shiny morning to go for a run. Cold crisp air greeted me at the door, but the warm sun made it totally worth it. I made a special effort to wave and smile at everyone that I passed. It was my way of spreading some random kindness... some people actually gave me strange looks. I suppose that they are not used to strangers smiling and waving for no apparent reason... they were probably wondering if I had mistaken them for someone else. If you want to do something kind of fun, during your normal daily routine, give a complete stranger some random compliment and then watch the response. I tried this yesterday, and one look I got was actually suspicion. It was strange. I'm gonna keep doing it. I know that even if they think it is weird it probably makes them happy. I don't know what this has to do running, but I have been on this strange kick to go out of my way to make other people happy. But I digress...

The wind was a little strong, and takes my breath away, it is kind of annoying, but a fact of life in Kansas. I finished my 12.3 miles with no pain at all in 1:39. Just over a 8 min pace... I am getting faster and stronger with every run... there is something to this whole "training" thing.

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