Friday, February 20, 2009

Marathon Training Log - February 19th - Day 50 - 5.2 miles

The weather is continuing to play its games with me. One morning it is 43 degrees, the next it is 22. One day there is no wind, the next it is approaching tropical storm strength. I have come to the conclusion that in the end all of the training that I have done regardless of the weather will benefit me in the actual race. Race day is on March 28th, and in Kansas that could mean any variety of weather patterns, including but not limited to; wind, rain, heat, snow, ice, fair, sun, clouds, tornado, thunder, lightning and hail. Chances are the race officials would cancel for a certain subset of those conditions, but not all. So for me, I am basically prepared for any and all conditions to be no more than normal. If the day is perfect or cruddy makes no matter to me. Now treadmill trainers, and indoor track runners... they may be at a major disadvantage if they have to run in a cold wind that they are not prepared or used to. So, that's my perspective on mother nature is this; Bring it on. Today's run was a simple 5 miles, but unfortunately my hip kind of snagged and hurt. Not while I was running but after. It hurt to take a step. I stretched for about 10 minutes, and it worked itself out... I must have stepped in a little pothole or something. All good now (day after) no pain at all. Must have just been an anomaly. Even with some hip pain, finished in 42.29 for 5.2 miles. The main thing now, is gearing up for the big 18 on Saturday morning... I have been eating mostly pasta since tuesday. Yesterday for lunch I had chicken noodles and dinner fettuccine. Today it will be lots of fruit and veggies.

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