Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Marathon Training Log - January 28th - Day 37 - 7.76 miles

Guess what... it was cold today. Broken freaking record. It was cold...blah blah... It was slick...blah blah.... Ran 7.76 miles in 1:09:07. Not too bad considering the snow and ice. I felt good before, during and after. Hrmmm... Oh, it was 6 degrees, no wind... I don't particularly like snow, but the sparkles reflecting on the snow from the lights was really pretty. I got passed by maybe 3 cars the entire duration of my run. It is like the world is frozen solid, and I am the last molecule in the block of ice that is still fighting to keep moving.

I realized something today. I figured out at least one of the reasons I want to do a marathon (people ask me this all the time). There is this feeling you get after you finish something extremely difficult. I have felt it before, not been able to reproduce it for a long time. By difficult, I am not talking about an algebra test or working a 12 hour shift. I am talking about something so hard that at some point the ONLY THING you can think of is how much you want to quit. When quitting seems like the only option available, the only possible outcome but you keep pushing on and finish it anyway. Finishing, when you really and truly believed that you would not be able to finish gives you an indescribable feeling of accomplishment. That is why I am running a marathon. I want to want to quit. That's why I like the cold, the ice, the wind... If I don't get it from this marathon, I will keep looking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats marathon man from the North Pole-like your idea of the clothing-of course the man from the north pole goes out EVERY DAY even at 22 below/41 below wind chill for 1 hr during the week when snow-then Sat/Sun but tosses in another 6-8 miles on walks in this fabulous urban Minneapolis wilderness.. Do not like getting old. Am convinced that my everyday outside activity has been a factor that blood bank will not admit where I could give a double unit of plateletsin less than 90 minutes( had given whole blood since 1970-platelets from 1997-delayed 6 times due to eye surgeries) where most take close to 3 hours-my 335/336 pints eneded when they discovered my CLL with no symptoms/o medications but leukemia picked on the wrong guy-only way to fight bad health-exercise, attitude. My 11 and 12 yr old grandson's hate to hear my voice which means let's head to the park or when nice let's shoot some hoops. Best wishes on your running-please wear good shoes as have heard about poor feet when you hit my age of still think I am 18 plus.