Thursday, January 29, 2009

Marathon Training Log - January 29th - Day 38 - 5 miles

This morning was a struggle to get out of bed. Not because I didnt want to run, but because of our (now weekly) boardgame night. I hosted last night and we played Robo Rally until about midnight. That was fun, but it comes with a price... I am just not used to staying up late.

Again today there was no wind. It was about 22 degrees when I left at 5:45, actually a bit warmer than it has been for a few days. I ran 5 miles today instead of 4, just cause I felt like it... The weather was nice, and the roads were mostly clear with the exception of an icy patch here and there. All in all a good day, I wore my old shoes again, and I am convinced that I need a size 12. I will look for a pair this weekend. I will probably switch to a new pair a month or so before the race.

I really didn't think about much else this morning (probably because I was tired) but I did think that maybe I will do something to make the shorter runs a bit harder. I could wear a weighted vest, or carry some weights... I will have to think some more on that...

Tomorrow is a day off, then a BIG 15 miler on Saturday. I think I am gonna run to Pittsburg and try and hitch a ride home. I need some new scenery. Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best regards on the run Sat. Had to use my wife;s snow shoes-heat wave at 15 ABOVE-will make needed repairs on mine tonight. I raced like Autobahn like speed on morning jaunt( felt like Shoeless Joe Jackson who was so fast that he could run under Niagara Falls without getting wet -only way to kill the " slow moving " leukemia in this fantastic Minneapolis urban wilderness at the North Pole. Exercise your attitude with gratitude, cherish the now,-outdoors is good for your health-yes-I go out EVERY day even at 22 below/41 below wind chill like a few weeks ago. Be careful of putting too much pressure on your feet-think long range-will you be able to be active like I am-shooting hoops with grandson/s/tossing the cowhide( youngest has an ego-I throw at his head to remain humble)if you don't get proper padding in your shoes ? After my Sat/Sun snow shoe jaunts usually walk 3-6 miles with youngest kid-wife in afternoon. Will be thinking of you on your run. Send any snow back to Minnesota !!
Respectfully, the man from the north pole since 1983 in the computer products business