Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Marathon Training Log - January 13th - Day 28 - 3 miles

Well, not too much to report for today. I ran a little yesterday... real slow, mostly just to get out and get awake (and get my runners high) also ran with a pal that is wanting to get started.

Today was real cold... 13 degrees cold... but there was no wind so it wasnt too bad at all. The worst part is when your eyes water a little and then they freeze to your eyelashes. Anywho, another 3 miler, it seems soooo short now. I mean like I never even left, so I guess all these miles are starting to add up. Anyway I did it in 24:54 so not fast, but who cares. I didnt get my new knee brace today. I was hoping to have it for tomorrow but oh well.

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