Saturday, January 31, 2009

Marathon Training Log - January 31st - Day 39 - 15 miles

The last run for the month of January. Fitting that it is a 15 miler I suppose. The distances have really started to build this month, and today's was the longest so far. I got up about 6 and ate 2 bananas, 2 cups of coffee, and a cliff's bar. Those things are good! Rob came by and picked me up on his way to work. The plan was for him to drop me off at 4th and Broadway in Pittsburg (Kansas) and I would run home. This worked out pretty good, cause there are some nice paved roads that have less traffic than the major highways most people drive. Also, there was a slight breeze out of the south, and all of this run is either to the north or west. To top things off, the sun was at my back and side, so no going blind. I felt amazing, and the weather is the most perfect for a long run. No wind, 30 degrees when I left, sunny and 40 by the time I arrived. I felt awesome the first 10 miles, and just normal fatigue after that. About 14, my legs, knees and ankles got really tired. I know this has to do with knowing I was almost home. I walked about a block2 different times, to drink half my bottle and eat a gel pack. They really kick in good after a mile or so.... I need to get some more.

Stats up to now:

Total Average Maximum Minimum
Duration (hh:mm:ss) 30:33:02 0:47:00 2:06:43 0:23:24
Distance miles 215.64 5.53 15.10 3.00
Average Heart Rate (bpm)
0 0 0
Maximum Heart Rate (bpm)
0 0 0
Average Speed mph
7.09 7.94 5.68
Maximum Speed mph
0.00 0.00 0.00
Pace min/mi
8.49 10.56 7.56
Steps 0 0 0 0
Calories (kcal) 29002 743 2022 383

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