Saturday, January 24, 2009

Marathon Training Log - January 24th - Day 35 - 10.59 miles

Cold. Cold. Cold. This was a stepback week. Long mileage dropped from 14 miles to 10 miles. Unfortunately, it was much colder today than last Saturday. 13 at 9 am! 17 mph wind out of the NE. I decided to mix it up some and decided to run down an old trail that is what remains of some railroad tracks that were removed 20 years ago or so. I have run by it a lot of times, and in the winter, from the road, it looks fairly smooth and clear of weeds and brush. I turned down the old rail path, and about 300 yards down from the road, it became very over grown. Sticker bushes, fallen trees, ruts, blackberry bush...etc. It was fun going over, under, around and through all the crud and also verrrrry slow. This track used to run for miles, but about 3/4 of a mile into the bush the path ended at a farmer's fence. So much for that. I turned around, went back and that was that. I decided I would just stick to the roads and head east. With the wind out of the north, it was a safe bet that heading out by the golf course would keep me from pushing for miles directly into the wind. Wasn't too bad, I finished 10.6 miles in about 1:28. My sweat and exhaled water vapor kept freezing and i kept knocking ice off my face mask...picture follows (not bad, considering I took it with my Blackberry without breaking stride! :-> ) You can see the I can't wait for it to warm up, cause I look dumb. I need to invest in some more stylish cold weather gear. (Glasses due to the morning sun blinding me) At about 6 miles, I walked for about a block and slurped down about 10 ounces of water and a Strawberry Banana Powerbar Gel Pack man they are GOOD! I noticed a real good boost somewhere in the next 1-2 miles... I am definately going to start taking one or two of them with me on long runs. They are easy to swallow, taste good and give a good energy boost. If you are interested, here is the route I took today ( kinda guessing on the railroad trail). I haven't done a summary for a while, so here it goes:

Cardio Summary Report

Total Average Maximum Minimum
Duration (hh:mm:ss) 26:05:24 0:44:44 1:55:54 0:23:24
Distance miles 184.82 5.28 13.60 3.00
Average Heart Rate (bpm)
0 0 0
Maximum Heart Rate (bpm)
0 0 0
Average Speed mph
7.13 7.94 5.68
Maximum Speed mph
0.00 0.00 0.00
Pace min/mi
8.45 10.56 7.56
Steps 0 0 0 0
Calories (kcal) 24936 712 1879 383

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