Sunday, January 18, 2009

Marathon Training Log - January 17th - Day 31 - 14 miles

This was my longest run to date. The program called for 13, but I just like to overshoot a bit to make sure that I got the distance covered even if I miscalculate or something. I finished in 1:55:54... Google says that is was 13.6 miles. Here is the map of the route. Wow, almost 2 hours of continuous, nonstop running and that is only a bit over half of a full marathon. I have come a long way after completing the first 8 week, but have a LOT left to go.

Well, I read stories about it, and now I get to experience it first hand. They say that some long distance runners will have toenails that turn black and fall off from the pounding. I took my shoes and socks off after I got back, and the left side of my left big toe is not quite black...but a nice charcoal gray. I don't know if it's going to fall off or not, but it feels kind of weird. Maybe I will post a picture of it later... yum... everyone loves feet. Keeping with the random nature of this post, I am learning things with almost each training run, the most important one this morning was to take it easy on the spicy foods the night before. I figured I would stock up on some high quality carbs the night before a long run, so about 8 I fired up the stove and made 4 packs of Top Ramen... yum. Well, rarely do I eat things exactly as they are designed to be eaten (seems I am always adding stuff) and added a few chicken boulion cubes, some cayenne pepper and a buch of cracked red pepper(yeah I love me some spice). Boy was it GOOD! Long story short, about 30 minutes into my long run, the sun came out and I started to sweat some. Then, about 10 mins later my eyes stared burning quite painfullly for no apparent reason. Then it hit me, I was sweating all of the capsasin (the chemical in peppers that makes it hot) directly into my peepers. Yeah, take it from me, this is one lesson you don't want to learn on your own.

Another random item... I bought some gel style insoles to put add some cushion to my running shoes. They do absorb quite a lot of energy, however they also absorb quite a lot of stank. I was sitting by my shoes stretching and I literally thought there was a dead dog stuffed with rotting pickles and sourkraut and covered with rancid grease under may crawlspace. Then I realized it was my shoes. I have never really had 'stinky' feet, so I will deduce that it must be the Dr. Shoals gel insoles. So, for what it's worth, if your going for function they are the way to go, but if a pleasant smell is what you are after you might want to try something else.

In the event that you are still reading, some notes about the run itself... I left right at 9 am, and it was about 35 degrees. It was a stiff wind out of the southwest, so I tried to adjust my route to avoid the stretches directly to the west. I still ran about 4 miles strait into the wind and, as usual, it sucked. It was comfortable as far a temperature goes, as it was about 50 by the time I finished. By the time I came stomping up to the house I had nothing on my head and was pretty hot. I ate some instant oatmeal and drank some coffee before heading out. That was a good energy boost thru the first 8 miles or so, but next long run I am taking some gel packs to swallow every 6 miles or so. Body wise, I felt really good thru the whole distance, once my left ankle felt a little tweaked, but it went away in less than a half mile. I had neoprene braces on both knees and had no pain AT ALL. Today (it is Sunday morning) the legs are a bit tired, but really, considering that I finished in under 8.5 min miles, they feel pretty damn good. Joints too. So I will give my body a 9 on the scale I set up earlier in another post. Next week is a stepback week, considering that my Saturday runs for the last 3 weeks have been 12,12, and 14 miles. I think next Saturday is only 10. Well... stay tuned!

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