Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Marathon Training Log - January 21th - Day 33 - 7.2 miles

What can I say about today? Well, I was up at 4:58 am, and beat my alarm to the punch line. I made a cup of coffee and ate a banana before suiting up, figuring that it wouldn't hurt to eat a little something before a 7 mile pre-dawn jog. I covered up like I was headed for an Antarctic vacation and headed out about 5:30. Man I look pretty goofy. Meh...whatever...
Finished in 1:00:02. That was a good pace even with the cold wind blowing. Body felt great, wore knee brace and a piece of tape around each foot... body was a 10 after, and the run itself didn't feel that long at all. I was a bit worried about that distance before work, since I would be sitting most of the day, but I stretched out when I got home, and feel fine. That's really all I have to say about today. Until next time...

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