Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Marathon Training Log - January 14th - Day 29 - 6.15 miles

Like I mentioned in yesterday's post, I did not get my left knee support before today's longer mid-week run. Turns out that it didn't matter at all. I did not realize how much the sore foot and hip had been slowing me down until this morning. Today's run was a 6.2 miler, and I finished it in just over 49 minutes. That works out to right at 8 min mile pace (I have been shooting for 9), so I was pleased with my time, but I was even more pleased how my body felt when I was done... I have been planning on doing a 1-10 scale of how I physically feel after each run but kept forgetting. I think of lots of great ideas while I am running, but like dreams, I usually forget most of them by the time I have finished my prescribed mileage. The scale is basically like this; 1 - Can't finish the run. 10 - No pain, good breathing, good time. According to this scale I give today's 6 mile jaunt a 9, and only because I had the faintest twinge of discomfort in my right ankle. It was really good... Honestly 26+ miles is kind of scary, but with each training run I am getting stronger, the short distances seem shorter, and the long distances get easier. I am fully confident that between my own massive stubbornness, and this great training program that I will successfully finish this race. One step closer to my iron distance behemoth.

Almost forgot, today's weather report: 35, slight breeze out of the south (unusual). More interesting is the fact that a cold front is expected to move in this afternoon and when I run it is expected to be between 2-4 degrees above zero. Stay tuned!

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