Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Marathon Training Log - January 6th - Day 24 - 3 miles

Kids all go back to school today, and I forgot to set my alarm earlier so that I could get them up when I got back. I didn't leave the house until about 6:15 (usually I try to get back by 6:45 so I can wake everyone up). The weather was a balmy 35 degrees with no wind or precipitation to speak of. It really did not feel that cold at all. This morning I taped my right foot before going out. Not that it was hurting, cause it wasn't, I was doing it preemptively. Turns out, I taped it too tight, cause a mile in or so, the right side of the ball of my right foot was hurting. Damn, gotta learn I guess... So I stopped, took my shoe off, and peeled my foot out of the tape like an overripe banana. It felt perfect after that. Today was the best my body felt during a run in a while. I think this whole no alcohol thing is helping. Still doing good as far as that goes. I did screw up the schedule a little, confusing the distances of some of the long runs. Saturday was supposed to be a 7 mile stepback, and I did 12 instead. oops. Now I am looking at another 12 on saturday. I will take that for the day that I missed I guess. As long as I am still feeling good like this, I will go ahead and do the full 12, with the options to go down to 7 if need be. I sped up a little more over my standard pace...a little. I like to use the short run days as a warm up to what is coming. Tomorrow I am looking at another 6 miles. That is starting to seem like a short run... lol

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