Saturday, January 10, 2009

Marathon Training Log - January 10th - Day 27 - 12 miles

First things first... knee brace = freaking awesome. I finished my long saturday run (12 mile) in 1:46:49 in substandard weather conditions (22 degrees with a 10 mph wind out of the northwest) and my right knee feels perfect. No ache, no pain. None during the run, none after. Awesome. I am going after one for my other knee today, worth every penny of the 12 bucks it cost. Back to the weather... The temperature really doesn't matter as long as your skin is covered. Covered skin warms quickly while exercising so cold isn't a problem. Now, wind, on the other hand sucks. It sucks. It cuts through your clothes, freezes your lips and sucks the air out of your lungs. I love it. It took what was becoming an easy 12 mile jog, and added some fire to it. The wind definately added additional challenge, mental and physical. Finishing today, my body felt better after this distance than it has before despite the piercing wind. I will do a summary mileage update on monday when I have more time...

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